Montreal International Symposium on Therapeutic Yoga
Recordings of Live Sessions

Presented by H~OM Yoga
yoga THERAPY & Science

Staffan Elgelid
Staffan Elgelid
Staffan is an associate Professor of Physical Therapy at Nazareth College in Rochester NY. He is also a Feldenkrais Practitioner and Yoga Therapist. A native of Sweden, Staffan is working with private clients, and has presented at international conferences on a wide variety of topics such as Embodied Anatomy, Guided Imagery, Healthy Aging, Awareness, Core Strengthening, Feldenkrais, and Yoga. Staffan co-edited “Yoga Therapy: Theory and Practice”, and is co-author of “Yoga Therapy for Stress and Anxiety.” Staffan is on the faculty at YogaLife Institute in Devon, PA and also produces the “On Your Authority” Podcasts.
Staffan will Lead an Open Discussion;
Where is Yoga Therapy At?
Saturday 4:30 - 6:00
Why is Yoga Therapy not taking off !? We want your Input and Experiences!
This session directed by Staffan will be an open discussion with participants.
Catherine Justice Associate Associate Editor for the International Journal of Yoga Therapy will be by Staffan's side to field any IAYT - International Association of Yoga Therapists related questions.
What are your thoughts or hopes for the future of yoga therapy and are you stuck on how to put those into action.
We all clearly have a passion for yoga as a therapy alongside health care, let’s chat about ;
- Networking & Building professional bonds - where do we begin!
- Credibility in our field as yoga teachers.
Staffan & Leslie Kaminoff will Lead an Open Discussion; Challenging Scenarios / Clients
Sunday 9:00 - 10:30
Open forum discussion on participants' most challenging scenarios/clients.
* Participants will be asked to fill a form before hand to share a question they would like the panelists to weigh in on/share their experience and expertise.
This is a fantastic opportunity to share and learn from these experts and each other!