Montreal International Symposium on Therapeutic Yoga
Recordings of Live Sessions

Presented by H~OM Yoga
yoga THERAPY & Science

Please Join Us !
March 17, 8:00-5:30
If you use yoga as a healthcare professional, such as but not limited to PT, OT, AT, RN, MD, PA, FNP, LCSW, or other mental health professional, then THIS DAY IS FOR YOU!
To provide an independent organization for the preservation of, education and contribution to, yoga as evidence-based practice in our healthcare system.
The Yoga in Healthcare Initiative serves as a platform to educate others as to who we are (health care professionals using yoga therapeutically), what we do in our respective clinical practices, and why yoga in healthcare and its various services are valuable, unique and fall under our own professional scopes of practice.
Yoga is a powerful tool for healing and maintaining wellness. As the biomedical model moves towards evidence based biopsychosocial strategies for addressing health and wellness care, a growing number of licensed, registered, and chartered healthcare professionals worldwide are using yoga as an effective and valuable approach to help their patients who are suffering from medical disorders, disease and impairment. Yoga in Healthcare (YIH) was formed in order to advocate and represent the needs of healthcare professionals who integrate therapeutic yoga into their current clinical practice.
Advocacy for the recognition of yoga in mainstream healthcare is our core focus. Healthcare professionals have the competency to analyze and apply yoga philosophy and techniques, within their scope of practice, in an evidence-informed manner through post-professional continuing education training.
There is a growing movement towards recognizing one organization as a gatekeeper for all certification of practitioners utilizing yoga as therapy. While this may be appropriate for those who choose to become yoga therapists who are unlicensed, the organization’s credentialing can have no authority over independently regulated professions such as rehabilitation therapies, nursing, mental health, massage therapy and similar professions who already are able to study and utilize yoga therapeutically through their own licenses or registrations. Study and application of yoga should occur independently and autonomously from, but in partnership with, this and other, yoga organizations.
YIH maintains that licensed, registered, or chartered healthcare professionals can openly integrate yoga modalities at their professional discretion. YIH also maintains that an advanced degree and licensure or registration in a medical profession stipulates that the practitioner possesses commanding knowledge of certain treatments with and without the incorporation of yoga or any other complementary technique they choose to study. This makes the application of yoga through healthcare professionals a unique practice and skill set, separate from the valuable but distinctly different emerging profession of “yoga therapy.”
The YIH mission is to create an independent organization for the preservation of, education of and contribution to, yoga as evidence-based practice in our healthcare system. The Yoga in Healthcare Initiative serves as a platform to educate others as to who we are, what we do, and why yoga in healthcare is valuable, unique and falls under our own professional scope of practices.
This document was created by YIH Founders:
Diana Zotos Florio, Dr. Ginger Garner, Chrys Kub & Shelly Prosko.
Diana Zotos Florio, PT, CSCS
Diana is a physical therapist, yoga teacher, and mother. She is the founder of Diana Zotos Physiotherapy and Yoga, an online learning resource and home-visit service, as well as co-founder and co-director of PhysiYoga Global, an education based team devoted to bridging yoga and the healthcare industry. Diana spends her time teaching workshops and trainings, treating, and recording videos for online distribution. Diana’s additional education includes yoga teacher training. Visit www.dianazotos.com to meet Diana.
Ginger Garner DPT, ATC/LAT
Dr. Ginger Garner is a longtime physical therapist and athletic trainer, founder and executive director of the Professional Yoga Therapy Institute, creator of the Professional Yoga Therapist Certification program for licensed medical professionals, lecturer at The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, consultant at universities across North America, international speaker, owner and clinician at Crystal Coast Integrative Medicine and Physiotherapy, and author of Medical Therapeutic Yoga (Handspring Pub. Ltd., October 2016). Dr. Garner’s additional education includes Professional Yoga Therapist certification founder, yoga teacher, and yoga therapy training. Visit www.gingergarner.com and www.medicaltherapeuticyoga.com to meet Dr. Garner.
Chrys Kub, PT
Chrys is an integrative physical therapist and longtime yoga educator (YACEP). She currently offers continuing education through her company FitYogaTherapy for healthcare professionals nationwide in therapeutic yoga and mindfulness techniques for adults and children with neurological disorders. Chrys’ additional education includes yoga teacher and yoga therapist trainings. Visit www.fityogatherapy.com to meet Chrys.
Shelly Prosko, PT
Shelly is a veteran physical therapist and Professional Yoga Therapist (PYT) dedicated to integrating yoga and physical therapy. She has used this treatment approach with individuals suffering from a variety of conditions. She travels globally offering specialty PhysioYoga Therapy courses, lecturing for various healthcare systems, universities, and organizations, and actively promoting the integration of medical therapeutic yoga into our current healthcare system. Shelly has additional training as a yoga and Pilates instructor, Pain Care Yoga provider, and Professional Yoga Therapist. Visit www.physioyoga.ca to meet Shelly.

FRIDAY (YIH Pre-Conference) *includeds lunch!